My kids were recently in a car crash. Thankfully, the only one who didn’t survive was my daughter’s car. The kids walked away shaken, but for the most part-fine. Later that day, I asked my daughter if she wanted to engage in some retail therapy. It took about three seconds for her to agree. Does throwing money at a situation make it better? Sometimes it does. Do I believe spending way more makes it way better? I do not. There are a lot of fun ways to spend money that don’t break the bank.
Warren Buffet, probably the best investor of all times, and worth BILLIONS, says a $100 steak does not equally $100 of happiness. He likes McDonalds. I agree with and share his philosophy-the more you spend does not equate to the amount of joy it will bring you.
One of our favorite places lately is Dollar Tree. If you are currently looking in disgust, or it has been years (or never) since you have been to a Dollar Tree, hear me out. Dollar Tree has become quite the TikTok sensation over the last few years, and has a bit of a cult following. The reason? Their products change frequently, and you have a whole army of people online telling you what to buy and what to do with it. Did you know the majority of people who go to Dollar Tree make over $100k/year? That’s the bulk of their business.
Almost everything in Dollar Tree costs $1.25 (and yes, I know, it really seems like it should now be called the dollar twenty five tree). There is also an aisle, that has more “premium” products that are either $3 or $5. Even those, though, are usually a really good deal. People love a good deal, and it’s similar to the concept of those Target dollar bins that exploded in popularity way back when.
When my daughter and I go, her favorite aisle is the beauty aisle. She immediately is googling all the things, and EVERY TIME we go, we find products that are currently on sale at either Amazon or Wal-Mart for between $10-$15. You can also see reviews of the product on those sites, but even if you end up not liking it, it was $1.25.
*Stila Lipgloss (normally sells around $13)
*Sally Hansen Nail Polish (this was crazy because I BUY this nail polish normally from Wal-Mart for around $9. It is literally something I already buy, and I now bought 5 more for $1.25 each).
*Holiday Décor (If you are a crafty type, go on Tiktok, and you will see 9 million videos for little Christmas crafts you can make. Some are literally glueing a few things together, or spray painting a piece or two. These crafty divas turn $5 into a masterpiece. It’s super cute and fun. I’m trying to talk my daughter into doing these huge ornaments that I saw…).
*Christmas Bags
*Storage Totes/Organizers
Will the Dollar Tree be your new retail therapy? Maybe not, or not always, but it’s a fun way to shop and you might surprise yourself. Have you gone or found an amazing deal? Post about it below!